maker monday

Maker Monday: Balloon Tennis

When the weather outside is frightful, it’s time to bring sports indoors. Maker Monday’s Balloon Tennis is just the cure kids need to get active and have fun.

Paper plates, paint stirring sticks (ask for them at local hardware or paint stores) and a glue gun are all you need to make your tennis rackets. But you can take the play beyond “keep-it-up” games and simple volleys. Use masking tape to mark the “net” and make point rules for off-the-wall shots or a double bounce. Experiment with different size balloons Skilled players might even opt to put multiple balloons in play!

maker monday


Paper plates

Paint stirring sticks


Markers (optional)

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If you wish, use markers to personalize your paper plate by adding a design, your team name, logo and colors.

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Use the glue gun to attach the paint stick to the back of the plate.

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Your Balloon Tennis equipment is ready for a competitive match!

For more Maker Monday projects and other fun stuff for kids, visit the Kidsburgh Activities page.