
#BeKind21 continues: Hear what local kids are saying about kindness

Photo above by Andrea Tummons used by permission via Unsplash.

Have you noticed some extra kindness in the air? The Pittsburgh region is now one week into the #BeKind21 campaign, and families throughout the region have been following along with the daily kindness actions.

Local kids have also been speaking up about their thoughts on kindness and why it’s important to be kind. Check out the latest videos (and click here for a graphic showing the #BeKind21 actions for the next few days!):


Find more videos on our Youtube channel and let us know here at Kidsburgh or post on social media with the hashtag #BeKind21 if you “catch” someone expressing kindness and want to share the story of that moment. Last year we had fun spotlighting the many Kidsburgh Kind Kids our readers wrote in to tell us about, and we’re always up for hearing about acts of kindness.

So reach out — we’ll be glad to hear from you.