Calling all creative teens! Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is now accepting submissions for the Teen Media Awards
Photo above courtesy of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
It’s time again for the annual Teen Media Awards through the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. For creative teens across the metro region, this contest is a chance to show off their writing, poetry, and audio-visual skills. These awards were created to celebrate the amazing creative skills of local teens in a wide range of mediums. The contest has two divisions: the Ralph Munn Creative Writing Contest, and the Labsy Awards. Prizes will be awarded for first and second-place entries in each of the following categories: poetry, short prose, 2D art & design, 3D art & design, filmmaking, fashion, music, and photography. Submissions open March 13, and close for each contest on different days. More details about each category are as follows:
Ralph Munn Creative Writing Contest
This contest gives teens a chance to show off their writing talents. They will build skills and even have a chance to have their work published in a local publication that is distrubted to local libraries. This specific contest is open to all students in grades 9-12 in Allegheny County. Each published teen also receives an anthology.
The categories of entry are short prose and poetry. Submission period is March 13- April 17 (all entries are due by 9 a.m. on the final day). Find more details about what each category entails on the event webpage.
The Labsy Awards recognize the creative work of Pittsburgh teens in several categories that include filmmaking, music, and fashion. This caregory is also open to younger students. Any Allegheny County student in grades 6-12 is eligible for entry. The submission window opens March 13, and closes at 9 a.m. on June 26.
There are entry categoies in both 2D and 3D art and design, short film, fashion, music, and photography.
Complete rules and submission details can be found on the library’s website.
To find out more about programming for teens at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, check out their Teenspace.
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