Kidsburgh’s biggest champion says farewell
Lyn Krynski has always been one of Kidsburgh’s biggest champions.

These Pittsburgh teens are cycling across the country to help families in Haiti
Photo above courtesy of Pittsburgh Youth Leadership. Two local brothers are in the middle of an epic bike ride across the country. They started in California on March 10 and […]

Meet the local teens who made the Steelers’ All-Peer Team
Congrats to the inaugural Steelers All-Peer Team: You are all Kidsburgh Heroes!
Want to spread kindness? Your child can apply for a ‘Kindness Grows Here’ grant
This local family has had great experiences with Kindness Grows Here.
Elementary-schooler Aaban Mahmood makes Pittsburgh a kinder place through his project ‘Kindness + Diversity = LOVE’
He is only 6 years old. But Aaban Mahmood is already making Pittsburgh a kinder place!
Meet this week’s Kidsburgh Kind Kid: Elwood Paracat
“It was a really nice gesture of an older middle school kid helping an elementary school kid, and I was very appreciative!”
Kidsburgh Hero Clark Ehman: This 14-year-old collected over 450 baseball bats and other equipment to send to the Dominican Republic
“The equipment just kept coming and coming and coming. It was pretty wild.”
Guest Editors: Charlie and Tasha Batch share their ultimate holiday tradition
As we worked with children and their families throughout the years, we noticed a consistent, increased need for support around the holidays.
From volunteer to employee: At Dragon’s Den, this teen has turned helping others into a career
Check out Wendoll Slade’s inspiring story.
Meet our first Kidsburgh Kind Kid: Ariel Heywood
Check the first story in our series about random acts of kindness done by local kids!
Celebrating random acts of kindness: Tell Kidsburgh about the Kind Kids in our community.
Tell us about a child you know who has done an act of kindness so we can recognize these young Pittsburghers as “Kidsburgh Kind Kids.”
Kidsburgh heroes: These twins collected 6,548 diapers and wipes (so far)
“We’re women and we want to support other women.”
‘I can do it!’ VolunTOTS empowers little kids to do good in Pittsburgh communities
“I think people are looking for good, looking for joy and for community. And I think that we’re providing that for people.”
Kidsburgh Hero: 11-year-old wins President’s Volunteer Service Award
“We were very surprised and happy, too, for him to really realize the value and the benefits of helping each other.”
Adopted from India, this Kidsburgh Hero started a foundation to support orphans in his native land
“One of our values is about envisioning a better world and taking the action to make it a reality. He’s doing that every day with this project.”
Kidsburgh Hero Sasha Likhachev created Teens4Tutors to help kids during the pandemic
“Middle school-aged students look up to and admire high school-aged students, so having a mentor or tutor who is an enthusiastic learner can be inspirational for them.”
Nominate your teacher to the Pittsburgh Pirates All Stars
Teachers have had some of the most difficult jobs, and the Pittsburgh Pirates in partnership with the Grable Foundation want to recognize teachers. Pirates President Travis Williams says, “As a […]
Kids with cancer love to hate Michael’s Meanies, an outlet for their fear and anxiety
Michael heard a little girl crying, and he wanted to give her something to help take her fear and frustration away.
This Kidsburgh Hero found his voice as a youth activist working for social justice
“His passion is there. He lives it, he feels it, he’s been through it. And he can verbalize it so well.”
PA School Counselor of the Year reinvents initiatives for Shaler kids during the pandemic
“This is where you can really make an impact, start shaping things. It’s where the magic really happens.”