CLP Hazelwood will be hosting Summer Job/Summer Camp Fairs for teens

Photo above courtesy of CLP Hazelwood.

Calling all teenagers (and their parents): If you live somewhere in the vicinity of Hazelwood, you’ll want to know about this. The Teens Department of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Hazelwood branch will be hosting two Job and Summer Camps Fairs where you can discover great ways to spend the summer of 2025 (and maybe earn money, too!).

Here are the details: These Job and Summer Camps Fairs for teens are happening at CLP Hazelwood on:

April 17, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

May 15, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The events are free and open to the public. Teens will get to meet people from organizations in and around Hazelwood who will share about summer camps, internship opportunities, volunteer gigs (great for resume-building and college applications) and summer job opportunities.

“We’re excited to host a dynamic event for teens at the library this summer, designed to empower them with opportunities for personal and professional growth,” says Lily Carvalho, library services associate for teens at CLP’s Hazelwood branch. “This fair will connect teens with job prospects, internships, volunteer opportunities, and exciting programs, including summer camps. Our goal is to inspire lifelong learning and help youth discover new passions or deepen existing interests. By providing access to these resources, we aim to guide teens toward meaningful experiences that will shape their future and spark a love for continuous growth and exploration.”

This could be the summer that your teen discovers a creative passion or possible career path, makes some great new friends IRL, helps make the Pittsburgh community a better place, or all of the above!

(Looking for more ideas for summer? Check out our big guide to 70+ local summer camps, plus our mini-guides to arts-focused camps and science & tech-focused camps and camps that prioritize outdoor fun.)