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Baby and Me!

Los Sabrosos Dance Co 4909 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh

Fun and relaxed dance and musicality class made to promote bonding between babies and their cherished grown-ups. Hold your baby, wear them in a carrier, or just have them next to you and get ready to jam to music both you and baby can enjoy! Learn more and register at


Little Kids Dance Fusion (ages 3-6)

Los Sabrosos Dance Co 4909 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh

Little Kids Dance Fusion (ages 3-6) Fun, friendly, inspirational dance class designed to help kids feel beautiful, find their rhythm, work together, and learn dance basics of Ballet, Classical, Modern, World, and Folk dances. Learn more and register at


Sensory Friendly Weekend

Carnegie Museum of Natural History 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh

Families with members who have sensory processing needs are invited to explore the museum galleries with reduced audio and visual elements. Calming spaces with support materials, including single-use ear plugs, sunglasses, fidget toys, etc., will be available. Museum experts will be on-hand to talk for as little or as long as you want about favorite […]


Storytime at the Museum

Carnegie Museum of Natural History 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh

Saturdays, 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. This program is free with admission and meets at the bench in the entrance of Dinosaurs in Their Time. Join us for Storytime at the Museum! Hear nature and science stories read by our Natural History Interpreters and get a chance to touch museum specimens. Stop by for one […]


Stories Like Me Birthday Party: Look for the Helpers

Stories Like Me, 4381 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh 15217 Stories Like Me, 4381 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh

Stories Like Me is celebrating our Second Anniversary with a party on Saturday, February 22nd, 1pm-4pm. What to expect: **Look for the Helpers Discount Bring a Donation for Hugh's Kitchen (a Hugh Lane program, see requested items here) or the Family Center in Homewood (see their requested items here) and receive a 10% discount on […]


Littls Mermaid at Carnegie Music Hall

Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall 300 Beechwood Avenue, Pittsburgh

The classic tale of the Little Mermaid who falls in love with a Prince is the offering of the Carnegie Performing Art’s Center Children's Play. The Little Mermaid meets the Prince when she swims up to the surface for the first time and saves him from a shipwreck. Longing to tell him that she saved […]
