farms near pittsburgh

It’s berry-picking season! Our latest KDKA video has the details on kid-friendly farms near Pittsburgh

One of the great things about Pittsburgh’s location is that our region is full of beautiful farms where families can pick berries, cherries, wild flowers and more. Earlier this summer, Kidsburgh published our annual guide to five great local farms where family can pick fruit and flowers, sharing all the details about where to find these farms and what they offer.

This week, Kidsburgh director Yu-Ling Cheng paid a visit to KDKA’s Pittsburgh Today Live, where she talked with hosts Heather Abraham and David Highfield about this summer tradition.

“I love doing this with my kids. We make an adventure out of the car ride there. We talk about what a farm is, what they’ll expect to see, and we go picking,” Cheng says. “You could bring a basket of food and just enjoy the outdoors. It’s a great time together.”

Check out the guide right here and watch the video below:

Click here for more guides to fun things to do with kids in the Pittsburgh region.