Kidsburgh Podcast ep. 3: a farm animal sanctuary kids will love, birthday joy with Megs Yunn and straight talk from teens about tracking apps

Photo above by Christopher Carson via Unsplash.

Episode 3 of our podcast is available and it’s full of ideas and information your family will love.

This week, we explore a local destination that will bring smiles to animal-lovers of all ages: Hope Haven Farm Sanctuary, where rescued farm animals live as one big happy family and love having visits from Pittsburgh-area families. We also talk with Beverly’s Birthdays founder Megs Yunn about bringing joy to kids’ lives and how local grownups and kids can get involved (spoiler alert: It’s as much fun to help out at a Beverly’s Birthdays celebration as it is to celebrate your own birthday.)

And at the end of this episode, our team of youth reporters answers a question that many parents may have in mind: How do kids honestly feel about tracking apps like Life 360?

Listen below to episode 3, and catch all the episodes right here. You can also find us on Apple PodcastsPandora and Spotify, and at the SLB website.

S1 Ep3: Hope Haven Farm Sanctuary, Megs Yunn on spreading joy through Beverly’s Birthdays, and how teens really view tracking apps

Join hosts Yu-Ling Cheng, Melissa Rayworth, and Kristine Sorensen as they tell listeners about a super-fun destination, the Hope Haven farm animal sanctuary in Sewickley, and then dive into a conversation with Beverly’s Birthdays founder and executive director, Megs Yunn. Also, teens from around Pittsburgh offer their honest thoughts on the tracking apps that parents and caregivers sometimes use with their kids.

Links: Hope Haven Farm and Beverly’s Birthdays

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