Kidsburgh wants to hear from you! Take our survey on kids’ mental health.
Kidsburgh aims to raise awareness about the important issue of mental health. To do that well, we need to hear from you. Your opinion will provide meaningful information to guide our new series.
Please take our 10-minute survey by clicking on the appropriate link below. If you choose, you can be entered to win one of five $100 gift cards to Target (applies only to parent and caregivers survey and must respond by Friday, December 20).
Click here for the survey for Parents and Caregivers
Click here for the survey for Educators and School Administrators
* If you are both a parent/caregiver and educator/school administrator, we welcome you to complete both surveys.
Kidsburgh would like to thank Staunton Farm Foundation for their support of this work. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at Thank you.