
Learning Heroes’ updated anti-racism resource guide is perfect for families

Photo above by Charlein Gracia used by permission via Unsplash.

Learning Heroes, a nonprofit organization that helps families with the important work of learning at home and academic readiness, recently updated their anti-racism resource guide for families.

It’s important to talk openly with children about what it means to be anti-racist, and many families have begun to do just that. But the Learning Heroes team is aware that parents may not be sure how to start these conversations.

So this updated resource guide supports families in having these vital conversations about race — and about the importance of taking action. The guide includes plenty of conversation starters, activities and other resources, as well as book and movie lists from trusted organizations including WNET,, Common Sense Media and more.

Image courtesy of Learning Heroes.

“While this is by no means exhaustive,” Learning Heroes says, “we have vetted the list and hope you will find it useful to support ongoing family talks and action so that we can each do our part to advance racial equality and equity in America.”

Click here to explore this guide filled with age-based tips, advice, conversation starters and family activities.