maker monday

Maker Monday: Kids can celebrate summer by making flower crowns

Photo above by Kristine Cinate via Unsplash.

Ready for another Maker Monday activity? We’re back with another “Let’s Try” video, created by our friends at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. We’re glad to kick off the week by bringing you this free maker activity.

This week’s project will teach kids to make flower crowns with summer flowers.

You’ll find all the details on materials and instructions right here, and you can follow along on the video below to learn each easy step. A note to kid makers: Please work with a parent or caregiver on every project and always be very careful when using tools of any kind.

Maker Monday materials you’ll need:

  • 20-30 fresh flowers (with long bendy stems at least 3 inches long — dandelions, purple dead nettle and daisies work well)
  • a twist tie
  • a cup of water
  • scissors
  • pieces of ribbon (optional)


  • Find your flowers and cut them at the base of the stem. You want to have at least 3 inches of stem. (As you pick them, put your flowers in a cup of water to keep them fresh while you work.)
  • Pick off any leaves.
  • Place two flowers perpendicular to one another with the vertical flower on top.
  • Bend the stem of the vertical flower behind and around the horizontal stem. Then bend it back over the vertical stem and lay it along the horizontal stem.
  • Add the next flower by bending the stem like in the previous step.
  • Continue this process, adding in different flowers to create a pattern in your crown. As you add more flowers, the stems from your previous flowers will start to stay in place.
  • Continue adding flowers until your chain is big enough to fit around your head.
  • Once you reach the size you’d like for your crown, use the twist tie to connect the two ends together.
  • Add some finishing touches by weaving in a few more flowers (or ribbons) to make your crown really lovely!