Maker Monday

Maker Monday: Kids can make an easy, beautiful collage

Happy Monday, Kidsburgh families. We’re back with another fun and easy “Let’s Try” Maker Monday project, courtesy of our friends at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, that your kids can do with things you probably have around the house. We’re glad to kick off the week by bringing you this free maker activity.

This week’s project will encourage your little ones to get super-creative by making collage art from magazine pages, newspapers or even junk mail. You’ll find all the details on materials and instructions right here, and you can follow along on the video below to learn each easy step. A note to kid makers: Please work with a parent or caregiver on every project and always be very careful when using tools of any kind.

Maker Monday materials you’ll need:

  • scissors
  • clear tape or a glue stick
  • one sheet of paper (any color)
  • markers and/or pens
  • magazines, newspapers, postcards, paper advertisements or other printed paper


  • Cut out a bunch of pictures and words. You can choose anything you want! You can even cut out more words and pictures than you’ll end up using in your final collage, so that you have plenty to choose from in the next step.
  • Arrange your collage pieces on your paper any way that you want. You can experiment with different ways of combining and layering the words and pictures.
  • Add some drawings and doodles and words of your own to your collage to really make it your own.
  • Use tape or glue to attach your collage pieces to the paper.
  • Enjoy your masterpiece!

Want more at-home fun making beautiful things? Check out more Maker Monday projects right here.

Do you have an idea for a Maker Monday craft project? If so, please share it with Kidsburgh! Send your maker activities to