mm-binoculars maker monday

Maker Monday: Kids can make these cool cardboard binoculars

Exploring the outdoors is a wonderful experience for kids, whether it’s in a backyard or on a path in a neighborhood park. There’s so much to see, from birds and bugs to clouds and squirrels. These cardboard tube binoculars won’t make objects look bigger, but they do help kids to focus.

As with all Maker Monday projects, kids can build these binoculars with materials you have around the house or can pick up at a nearby dollar store. Just follow the step-by-step instructions below.

A note to kid makers: Please work with a parent or caregiver on this Maker Monday project and always be very careful when using tools of any kind.

Maker Monday Materials:

  • 3 cardboard tubes (from toilet paper or paper towel rolls)
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Glue
  • Stickers (or crayons/markers for coloring)


Maker Monday Instructions:

Step 1: Cut one cardboard tube open lengthwise. Leave the other two tubes

Step 2: Cut two pieces of colored paper so that each piece will fit wrapped around one of the two uncut cardboard tubes. Glue that paper onto each of those tubes. Next, do the same for the tube you’ve cut open: Cut a piece of paper so that it will cover the back of the cut tube. Then glue the paper onto the tube so that the cardboard curves inward and the paper is on the outside (see below).mm-binoculars

Step 3: Add glue to the back of the cut tube and place the two tubes within it, side by side so they fit snugly next to each other with the cut tube wrapping around them.


Step 4: Add a bit of glue between the two tubes to help stabilize the binoculars. Press and hold until the glue

Step 5: Decorate the outside of your binoculars by applying stickers or drawing gently with crayons or markers.

Once you’re done decorating, your Cardboard Tube Binoculars are ready for an outing.

This craft is easy to personalize, allowing kids to be creative. Here are a few ideas: Instead of covering the tubes with paper, paint them with a camouflage pattern or cover them with glitter. You can also wrap the tubes with white paper to make your decorating stand out, or cover them with duct tape for a more industrial look. Use patterned card stock for another design option.

Let your little makers choose: Kids are great at coming up with ideas they want to pursue. And that’s what making is all about!

Want more at-home fun creating cool stuff and making beautiful things? Check out more Maker Monday projects right here.

Do you have an idea for a Maker Monday craft project? If so, please share it with Kidsburgh! Send your maker activity ideas to