maker monday

Maker Monday: Kids can make their own sock puppets

Photo above by Nick Page via Unsplash.

With school ending, many parents will be looking for projects to keep kids busy. This fun and easy “Let’s Try” Maker Monday project, courtesy of our creative friends at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, is a great one for bigger kids to try on a summer day. This free maker activity is one that your kids can do with items you may have around the house or can get at a dollar store.

This week’s project will teach your kids how to make a puppet from an old sock and some spare buttons. You’ll find all the details on materials and instructions right here, and you can follow along on the video below to learn each step.

A note to kid makers: Please work with a parent or caregiver on every project, including this one, and always be very careful when using tools of any kind, including scissors.

Maker Monday materials you’ll need:

  • old socks
  • needle and thread
  • scissors
  • yarn
  • buttons
  • cardboard for additional decorations


  • Sew up any holes in your sock
  • You can make eyes for your puppet with buttons. What do you want the eyes to look like? Add cardboard for extra detail by cutting out the cardboard in a shape that you like (we picked a heart) and sewing the button onto the cardboard. (See video.)
  • Then sew the eyes onto your sock.
  • Next, cut lengths of yarn for hair.
  • Sew the hair onto your sock.
  • Now you’ve got a puppet! Have fun playing with your new friend.

Want more at-home fun creating cool stuff and making beautiful things? Check out more Maker Monday projects right here.

Do you have an idea for a Maker Monday craft project? If so, please share it with Kidsburgh! Send your maker activities to