Maker Monday

Maker Monday: Kids can make these colorful pennants

Hi, Kidsburgh readers. We’re back with another installment of our Maker Monday “Let’s Try” videos, created by our friends at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. We’re excited to bring you this free maker activity.

This week’s project will teach kids to make colorful paper pennants out of items you likely have around the house. You’ll find all the details on materials and instructions right here, and you can follow along on the video below to learn each easy step.

A note to kid makers: Please work with a parent or caregiver on every project and always be very careful when using tools of any kind.

Maker Monday materials you’ll need:

  • paper
  • markers and/or colored pencils
  • string or yarn
  • tape
  • scissors
  • ruler


  • Fold a sheet of paper in half, crease it, then unfold it.
  • Use a ruler to draw a triangle. The bottom of the triangle will be on the long edge of the paper and the top of the triangle will touch the folded line (see video).
  • Cut out the triangle with scissors.
  • Use this triangle as a stencil to trace and cut out more triangles.
  • If you want to spell out a word or phrase on your pennant, repeat this process until you have the number of triangles you’ll need. (One triangle per letter, plus a triangle between the words, works best.)
  •  On the triangles, write the letters to spell out your words. Or just decorate each triangle with shapes and colors. It’s up to you! Take your time and make each triangle as colorful and decorated as you’d like.
  • Tape your triangles onto your yarn or string. Make sure you leave some yarn at each end for tying.
  • Snip off any excess yarn or string, leaving enough behind to tie or hang your pennant.
  • Tie up or tape up your pennant and celebrate!

Want more at-home fun creating cool stuff and making beautiful things? Check out more Maker Monday projects right here.

Do you have an idea for a Maker Monday craft project? If so, please share it with Kidsburgh! Send your maker activities to