Maker Monday

Maker Monday: Let’s try starting seeds

As a new week begins, we’re excited to bring you another installment of our Maker Monday “Let’s Try” video series, created by our friends at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh.

This week’s DIY maker activity will teach kids to grow seeds into plants. You’ll find all the details on materials and instructions right here, and you can follow along on the video below to learn each easy step.

An important note to kid makers: Please work with a parent or caregiver on every project and always be very careful when using tools of any kind.

Maker Monday materials you’ll need:

  • planting pots (use empty plastic water bottles with the tops cut off or other plastic cells)
  • potting soil
  • a tray for the soil
  • seeds (sunflower seeds are one great possibility)
  • plastic lid
  • scissors
  • a permanent marker
  • water


  • Soak your seeds overnight in water.
  • Make labels for each kind of seed you’re using and include the date.
  • Mix a little bit of water into your potting soil, so that it feels damp and sort of spongy.
  • Then pack your soil into your planting pots.
  • If you’re using bigger seeds like sunflower seeds, make little holes in the soil about 1/2 inch deep.
  • Place two seeds in each little hole. (Hopefully one of the two will sprout!)
  • Add your label near the seeds, so you know what’s growing where.
  • Place the pots in a warm place. If the soil looks dry, you can mist it with water in a spray bottle or add a bit of water.
  • Depending on your seeds, you will probably see sprouts within a few days or a week or two. Good luck!

Want more at-home fun making beautiful things? Check out more Maker Monday videos from Kidsburgh and the Children’s Museum.