Internships can point teens toward great careers. Details here on all the benefits for your child.
This first-person essay from a student intern offers insight for teens and parents.
Art, music, science and more: Your MLK Day events guide for the Pittsburgh area
From hands-on science to art, concerts and much more, there are many ways to honor Dr. King’s legacy this year.
Got a teen who’s curious about writing and journalism? SLB Radio wants to meet them.
Calling all teens interested in writing, journalism and community engagement.
Honor Dr. King’s legacy at these MLK Day events around the Pittsburgh region
Your guide to MLK Day events in Pittsburgh for families.
What stories would you like to see on Kidsburgh during 2024?
Tell us about the stories you want us to do for you at Kidsburgh this year.
Why Taylor Swift’s movie means so much to Pittsburgh teens – and why you may want to catch it before it’s gone
Taylor Swift’s movie can be a bonding experience for tweens/teens and their parents. This teen reporter explains why.
SLB + Kidsburgh are seeking youth reporters: Don’t miss our information session on Sept. 18
Got a teen who might want to be a Kidsburgh Youth Reporter? Learn more on Sept. 18 at SLB Radio’s studio on the North Side. Details here.
These Pittsburgh teen media creators are getting their voices heard — and being celebrated for it
Check out the works of these talented Pittsburgh teen media creators.
We’re creating a Kidsburgh podcast. Tell us what you’d want to hear and enter to win a $100 Target gift card.
The Kidsburgh podcast series is coming! Tell us what it should include and enter to win one of three $100 gift cards.
SLB Radio’s Open Studio welcomes tweens and teens who want to learn podcasting
At SLB Radio’s Open Studio, the friendly staff is ready to help kids explore the world of audio creation — and it’s free!
SLB Radio’s RADcast program teaches teens media skills — and life skills, too
Check out all that teens are learning in the RADcast program. (And find out how to sign up your student.)
How do you get students excited about learning? Remake Learning Days’ youth ambassadors share their insight
This year’s Remake Learning Days youth ambassadors produced dozens of video and audio reports.
With help from KnowledgeWorks and SLB Radio, local teens take over the Remaking Tomorrow podcast
“From a young person’s perspective, how do they think about equity?” Find out on Remaking Tomorrow.
Gwen’s Girls, the CSC, Children’s Museum and more fill the Northside with learning during Remake Learning Days
Remake Learning Days events will light up the Northside with learning. Details here.
‘Girl Talk’ records Hill District history from the Black woman’s perspective
“We want our girls to develop personal confidence required to explore post-secondary and career options.”
Check out these winning stories from the 2019 WQED Kids Writers Contest
Read these winning stories with your kids as a jumping point for their own storytelling. Warning: Giggling – and big ideas – may occur.