postpartum depression pitt research

New research from Pitt helps predict depression during pregnancy, bringing faster help

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have developed a way to identify those who will likely develop postpartum depression.

career-readiness for students of color

Powerful summer learning and year-round programs are building career pipelines for students of color

How “career readiness” is becoming a more equitable, holistic experience in Pittsburgh.

How to create anti-racist virtual classrooms: Strategies for teachers and families

“We need to make sure that we are creating a space where we have courageous conversations with students so they can go back and apply it themselves.”

Dismantling discrimination: Bringing context, equity and truth to K-12 education

How do we build school cultures that are legitimately antiracist, where all learners are truly respected?

Kidsburgh Hero: This Pitt medical student organized an army of babysitters to cover frontline healthcare workers

“I knew there would be a high demand for safe and reliable childcare for those on the front lines of the pandemic.”

Take a fascinating tour of the teenage brain with Pittsburgh researcher Dr. Beatriz Luna

“Adolescence is not a disease. It’s an amazing time of life that we have to understand so we can make it the best possible,”

School for the Deaf students learn to express themselves through dance

We wanted to focus not only on their ideas and their emotions but their sense of vibration and sound. 

Social media, body image and how art therapy helps kids with eating disorders

A study at The University of Pittsburgh found that participants who most frequently checked social media throughout the day had 2.6 times the risk of reporting eating and body image […]

PPS discipline

New discipline techniques could be key to improving student outcome at Pittsburgh Public Schools

“It’s encouraging to see something we feel in our gut is helpful actually be supported by research.”


How to ensure your kids get the best sleep with tips from our Kidcast expert

Find out how much sleep your child needs, depending on their age. And why it’s critical to their health.

Kidsburgh: P.R.I.D.E. Festival helps African-American kids embrace their heritage

“When our children have a better racial identity, they’re better as people, they’re better as students and achievers. They learn better problem-solving techniques and better behavior because they’re rooted in who they are.”

10 great STEM summer camps for Pittsburgh kids

Build it, wreck it, code it, or fly it. These exciting STEM summer camps will be a big hit with kids.

teen brains

Pittsburgh Teen Brain Report: Kids can make better decisions than we expect

“We’re sending a signal to young people that we’re willing to meet them where they are.”

Lawrenceville United hits the streets to connect with local families

Forget Facebook and Twitter, Lawrenceville United’s going old school–building a community of families one open door at a time.

All work, no school makes Johnny more antisocial

Some may argue that placing high-school-age juvenile offenders in jobs is a good idea. But a new Pitt study shows that students who work more than 20 hours weekly and […]

Now hear this: Children’s Hospital and Pitt get $8.2 million for quicker ear infection fix

A quicker ear-infection cure involving less medicine, fewer side effects and a decreased chance of developing antibiotic immunity – that’s the aim of an $8.2 million grant awarded to UPMC’s […]