Center for Aviation Technology and Training

Wilkinsburg’s Center for Aviation Technology and Training is ready to inspire your kids

The Center for Aviation Technology and Training is currently open to school groups or youth-centered organizations

Remake Learning

Career Ready PA events connect kids with potential paths toward their futures

During the month of May, thousands of students and families attended more than 100 Career Ready PA events as part of Remake Learning Days.

RADical Days

8 great things to do with kids in Pittsburgh this weekend, many of them free

Don’t miss all the free fun happening in Pittsburgh this weekend.

Remake Learning Days

10,000 kids learn in simultaneous STEM challenge during Remake Learning Days

Learning adventures are happening all over PA during Remake Learning Days. Details here.

Career Expo at Ross Park Mall

Career expo at Ross Park Mall this weekend promises interactive exhibits for kids interested in STEM fields

Interactive presentations will expose attendees to local job opportunities in the STEM fields. Parents and kids are welcome!

remake learning days

Gwen’s Girls, the CSC, Children’s Museum and more fill the Northside with learning during Remake Learning Days

Remake Learning Days events will light up the Northside with learning. Details here.

remake learning days

Remake Learning Days invites Youth Ambassadors to tell the story of the festival

16 local high schoolers will chronicle the Remake Learning Days festival in the Pittsburgh region this year.

elinor wonders why

4 great lessons everyone can learn (yes, even grownups!) from the PBS KIDS show “Elinor Wonders Why”

“Elinor Wonders Why” teaches viewers about science — and about the importance of asking questions.

KEF Robotics

Local startup KEF Robotics provides mentorship and STEM learning to Obama Academy students

Students interested in a robotics internship at KEF Robotics don’t need top-notch programming skills. But they do need drive and a desire to learn.

Register today: Empower Her helps transform today’s Pittsburgh girls into tomorrow’s leaders

The event also covers health and wellness, healthy relationships and body positivity.

Hosanna House launches kids into high-flying careers with new Center for Aviation Technology and Training

Along with flight simulation on airplanes, helicopters and drones in the training lab, an outdoor play space opens this summer with a rocket ship, a real airplane and a drone landing pad.

Pennsylvania Education Innovation Awards

All three 2021 Pennsylvania Education Innovation Awards go to our regional schools

Each year, PSBA recognizes pioneering leadership in public schools. This year, the statewide awards all went to schools in our region!

Learn to make video games for free? Schell Games and CCAC announce first-of-its-kind apprenticeship

Yes, Schell Games will actually pay your child to learn how to make video games.

9 immersive career programs in Pittsburgh where kids can experience jobs firsthand

These programs connect kids to professions from engineering and veterinary medicine to scientific research and teaching.

Games for Change

This weekend, Games for Change invites kids to help design video games that make the world better

Games for Change offers kids free training in game design in hopes of helping all learners enjoy gaming.

Chuck Vukotich

Longtime CSC volunteer Chuck Vukotich encourages students to reach for the stars

Chuck Vukotich loves science — and encouraging local students to follow their own fascination with STEAM learning.

Girls of Steel team creates BuzzBand for children with autism

“I can honestly say a big part of my STEM journey is that it isn’t about being perfect.”

Sponsored Content Passion Projects ignite kids’ curiosity at Shady Side Academy

Students are learning and inspired through Passion Projects.

Moonshot Museum rendering courtesy of Astrobotic

The Moonshot Museum is coming to the North Side and it looks incredibly cool

“Because the Moonshot Museum is co-located at Astrobotic, visitors will have access to all the contributors who make space exploration happen.”

Remake Learning Days

Remake Learning Days, Pittsburgh’s homegrown learning festival, ramped up the fun right when families needed it

Families tell RLDAA that the festival’s hands-on events lifted spirits nationwide.

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